
'Some people lost everything' - Kiwi's close-up video shows damage after fire rips through bus heading to Gallipoli for Anzac Day

April 25, 2018

A bus with 43 Kiwi and Australian tourists as well as two Turkish people burst into flames on the way to Gallipoli to commemorate Anzac Day. 

Luckily, no-one was injured, but some people have lost all their belongings that were on the bus.

New Zealand passenger Melissa Peters told 1 NEWS they were driving to Anzac Cove for the Dawn Service. 

She said the passengers were unharmed, but a lot of passports and UK visas had been lost in the fire that ripped through the bus. 

"Some people lost everything," Ms Peters said.

Ms Peters said the passengers were given a new bus and "are catching a ferry at midnight [Turkey time] and then staying over night there". 

They are scehduled to make it on time to the Dawn Service.