Wellington cafe owner slammed by mums over pram policy speaks out - 'I never banned buggies!'

August 8, 2018

Cafe owner Faith simply says she has clear rules about where prams can park, in the interests of making things easy for everyone.

Some Wellington mums got pretty upset with a new cafe near Wellington for its pram parking policies, but the owner says she hasn't banned baby buggies.

Petone's Faith & Co Cafe hit the headlines this week with some mums complaining they only allowed two prams on the premises at a time.

However, owner Faith Proctor says she has plenty of customers who bring prams to the premises.

"I have not banned buggies, I have never banned buggies, and I have a lot of loyal customers who come in with their children and buggies," Faith says.

She explained that the rules around prams at her cafe stem from safety issues.

"There are places where if they were there [prams] it becomes problematic," she told Seven Sharp.

"For our staff to work safely and for people to access their own tables, for many, many reasons which is just part and parcel of running a busy cafe."

Faith says even if the cafe is too busy to fit anymore prams, the customer is still welcome inside, or to wait outside until space is available.

"For me its common sense once it's busy, then I know exactly where a buggy can go. If somebody arrives with a buggy, if there isn't a space then we let them know.

"They can come in, but the buggy has to stay out, or they can come back and visit us when it's a little quieter and there's plenty of room."


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