Watch: At-home karaoke takes off amid Covid-19 lockdown

The Facebook group, Covid Karaoke, now has over a 1000 New Zealanders singing their hearts out, virtually.

The audience is absent, the standing ovations are imagined, but the virtual applause is all the same.

With the idea of at least four weeks in lockdown, a group of Christchurch thespians came up with an idea to provide a creative outlet - a Facebook group, aptly named Covid Karaoke.

Group founder Alex Carter told 1 NEWS she had no idea it would grow so big.

"It was just going to be a few of us having a laugh, posting some videos of just us singing around the house because we haven't really got too much else to do and it slowly grew," she said.

Themed competitions are announced and songs are assigned to those who want to submit an entry. Winners are judged by the amount of ‘likes’ and comments.

And while recordings of cover songs are filmed inside the comfort of people's homes, members go big on their performances.

"They're all talking within each other, they're all congratulating everyone on their wins. Everyone that's been posting, we've had no negative comments on anyone's video, no trolls. It's all positive," Ms Carter told 1 NEWS.

Member Alix Harding says she's found the group to be a lifesaver during lockdown.

"There's so much focus now on essentials, having the basics that you need but there's not a lot of focus on mental health," Ms Harding said.

Having the opportunity to take half an hour out of my day to set up my camera, sing a song, post it, have fun, make people smile and get five minutes away from the kids at the same time, it's win-win."

While there's no physical awards, the new found friendships made between group members is the real prize, she said.

"I've already seen quite a few people commenting that once this is all over they'd like to catch up, meet the people you kind of feel like you've got to know."


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