Simon Bridges rubbishes NZ First's immigrant values proposal as 'headline grabbing nonsense'

October 1, 2018

The Opposition leader says Winston Peters is trying to distract from the “dysfunction junction” in Government.

A proposal by NZ First to force immigrants and refugees to sign up to a Kiwi values pledge, or risk getting kicked out, is nothing more than "headline grabbing nonsense", Opposition leader Simon Bridges said today.

"I think it's Winston (Peters) looking for distractions," he said on TVNZ1's Breakfast today. "I think he knows that his party's in trouble, it's dysfunction junction in the Government and they've got big issues like petrol prices.

"So what do you do? You throw something like this out there."

The proposal, which was voted on yesterday at New Zealand First's annual conference, would include a commitment to respect freedom of religion, legal sexual preferences, gender equality and the right to consume alcohol.

Some party members say the controversial bill is racist, but it has Winston Peters' support.

While some party members were concerned the conversation was bordering on racism, at least one other in attendance at the Tauranga meeting was vocal about certain types of people "creeping in'', RNZ reported.

"The reality is he won't do it," Simon Bridges said today. "Because he hasn't really done any of the things he promised prior to the election, whether it's slashing immigrants, getting rid of Maori seats, or this.

"Of course we've got our unique set of values, whether it's tolerance and a fair go and so on. But the immigrants I meet, they actually very quickly become passionate, patriotic New Zealanders and they don't need to go through some course or sign a document."

The harsh words for Mr Peters come one day after the Deputy Prime Minister gave a speech taking aim at the National Party, and at Mr Bridges in particular. He called the National Party leaderless, vacuous, bitter and jealous.

"National's behaviour since the election has only confirmed our good sense in choosing to go with Labour," Mr Peters said, predicting that Mr Bridges would be ousted as leader of his own party well before the 2020 election. "He's a desperate man."

Mr Peters told the NZ First annual conference Mr Bridges is ‘desperate’.

Mr Bridges pointed out today that NZ First members were laughing when the statements were made - at Mr Peters, not with him, he suggested.

"I think what it is, is classic, vintage Winston," Mr Bridges responded today. "His back's against the wall...he's looking to distract, and fair enough. Because I'll tell you what New Zealanders are concerned about, and what I'm going to focus on.

"It's not kind of insults from Winston Peters. It's petrol prices are at an all-time high thanks to Government taxes. It's rent going through the roof...It's electricity prices going to follow it.

"These are important, and the Government's got to take responsibility for those issues rather than throwing out publicity around a values bill or trying to attack the National Party because we're doing a strong job."


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