Should we be washing our clothes so often?

February 17, 2020

Turns out if we want to help the environment we might need to wash clothes less.

New research suggests that we need to wash our clothes less regularly in order to help save the environment.

Seven Sharp reports that overseas research shows some synthetic fabrics are leaching plastic into the environment every wash.

However, microfibres from some clothing won’t cause an issue.

For example, wool microfibres will biodegrade.

Sally Gaw - an associate professor at the University of Canterbury – agrees with the findings, but says there are other issues with washing clothes.

“There is a whole raft of other environmental issues as well as the microfibres, including the water, the power, the detergents and the chemicals that are used to clean our clothes.

“I think we can rethink: does everything need to be washed every time you wear it?” she asked.

Watch the report above to find out which are the worst and best clothing fabrics you can buy to help the environment.


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