Police describe scenes of anxiety and disorganisation at 600-strong Dunedin party where student died

October 6, 2019

Otago Coastal area commander, Marty Gray says there were several hundred people inside the house at the time.

Dunedin police say they arrived to a scene of anxiety and disorganisation last night after several calls alerted them to an out of control party in which a student died and two other people were injured.

Ambulance and police were called to Dundas Street just before midnight after the occupants had called for assistance to shut down a party.

Otago Coastal area commander, Marty Gray, said when officers arrived at the house there were 500-600 partygoers.

Kinnon Nelson told 1 NEWS there would have been between 500 to 1000 people at the property on Dundas Street.

“A lot of them anxious, a lot of them trying to get out of the premises, a lot of them trying to get in the premises.”

“A lot of disorganisation, a lot of uncertainty, a lot of anxiety as I’ve mentioned,” he said at a news conference today. 

Mr Gray said it was a quick succession of events as police ascertained what was going on.

He said in attempts to leave the party, a number of people were injured, two seriously, and a female student who died from her injuries.

Police and St John tried to resuscitate the woman at the scene.

“Everyone was there trying to help,” he said and “everyone was in a state of shock”.

Structural issues were not a factor in the incident, he said, and the stairway did not collapse.

Mr Gray said the two other people who were hurt did not suffer life-threatening injuries.

Police say a scene examination is underway along with further inquiries with people present at the party.

They say it’s too early to tell if charges will be laid.

Vice-Chancellor of Otago University, Harlene Hayne said the University, which the deceased had attended, has been working with those affected and the police.

The house is under police guard until the investigation is complete.


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