Number of red light cameras in Auckland set to double by end of October

August 6, 2018

Auckland Transport is activating six more red light cameras at "high risk" intersections across Auckland.

The new cameras are funded by the regional fuel tax and will be in operation by October 2018, bringing the total number of red light cameras in the region to 12.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says red light runners are a problem in the city and that they place lives in danger.

"Last year there were four fatalities and 19 serious injuries at intersections due to red light running," Mr Goff said.

"With a 75 per cent increase in deaths and serious injuries on roads in Auckland, we need to do everything we can to reduce unnecessary injuries and deaths.

"The scale of red light running in Auckland is demonstrated by the new cameras installed in June catching 660 people running red lights in just three weeks.

"We are not interested in red light cameras as a revenue raising measure. We are publicising where the cameras will be to change behaviour and prevent people being hurt and killed, not to catch people out.

"Red light cameras are proven technology that reduce deaths and serious injury.

"A trial of red light cameras in Auckland between 2008 – 2010 produced a 43 per cent reduction in red light running and an average 69 per cent decrease in crashes attributable to red light running."

"Aucklanders have the right to feel safe when they have the right of way to drive or cross a road at a lighted intersection."

More red light cameras are due to be rolled out over the next ten years, bringing the total number to 42.

Six new cameras locations

• Great South Road and Cavendish Drive – two sites
• Te Irirangi Drive and Accent Drive – two sites
• Great North Road and Rata Street
• Great South Road and Reagan Road


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