National proposes creating NZ's 'largest ever infrastructure programme' - 'We have to invest'

September 9, 2020
Opposition leader Judith Collins says if elected her party would focus on infrastructure and getting people into work.

National wants to merge infrastructure entities to create a large National Infrastructure Bank, to provide advice and funding for new infrastructure projects.

National Party leader Judith Collins said, should she be elected, she would "deliver world-class infrastructure that grows our economy and to gets Kiwis back to work".

"To do that we have to invest, and every dollar borrowed must be spent wisely on projects that improve our economy and build productivity."

The infrastructure bank would merge Crown Infrastructure Partners, NZ Green Investment Finance, residual holdings at Crown Irrigation Investments Limited and loans made by the Provincial Growth Fund. 

The agency would provide advice to local and Government infrastructure projects. 

"The Government I lead will invest in New Zealand’s largest ever infrastructure programme, including $31 billion to upgrade our transport networks and de-clog our cities, $4.8 billion to fix our schools, and further investment to upgrade healthcare infrastructure," Collins said. 

National's finance spokesperson, Paul Goldsmith, said it would "provide clear lines of accountability to not only ensure value-for-money, but also deliver tangible assets that underpin future development in the form of better resourced schools, health services, roads, water provisions and housing". 

The party's infrastructure spokesperson, Chris Bishop, said the proposed bank would act as "careful steward of our infrastructure programme, providing vital leadership and capability in the public sector as these intergenerational assets are developed".


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