Labour to establish independent appeal process for complainants

August 12, 2019

The Labour Party will establish an independent appeal process after recent questions into how it handles allegations against party members.

The National Council, Labour's governing body, released a statement yesterday saying a recent investigation may be appealed by an independent advisor, if the complainants choose to.  

Any appeal would be held by "an independent and experienced expert".

The issue was raised at a Labour meeting in the weekend, which Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern attended. 

Labour Party President Nigel Haworth said complainants "asked for an appeal process to be put in place, this decision acknowledges their concern".

"Ensuring the appeal is done by an independent expert who is at arm's length from the party is important for building trust in the process in the future."

Financial, personal and emotional support, as well as ensuring legal advice could be obtained, was to be provided to any person participating in the appeal process, he said.

"The Council is concerned that there is a number of young people involved and ensuring their well-being looked after is at the forefront of our approach," Mr Haworth said.

The Council expected future investigations "of this nature to involve a similar independent and experienced expert".


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