Jacinda Ardern wants to take charge of rebuild after managing health crisis as Labour launches election pitch

July 5, 2020

The party’s annual conference was held at Te Papa in Wellington, using its new slogan and all the usual hype of a party get together.

Labour has launched its pitch to keep governing for another three years with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern saying she’s managed the health crisis and now wants to manage the rebuild.

The party held its annual conference at Te Papa in Wellington, two and a half months out from the election.

“Now our call to New Zealanders is to give us the chance to keep going and to keep the momentum up,” Ms Ardern said.

Covid-19 dominated her speech, without the usual big policy announcement seen at conferences.

"I can’t think of a time in our recent history when we have been collectively challenged by such a cruel combination of events - a terrorist attack, a volcanic eruption, a global pandemic and now its ensuing financial crisis,” Ms Ardern said.

"When a terrorist tried to divide us, we came together and we said they are us. When a volcano erupted, we threw our arms around those effected whether they were from near or far.”

"And when Covid arrived we didn’t hesitate to act, knowing it was the only way to protect those around us, we stayed home."

Labour will campaign with the help of a surge of new, small donations since lockdown.

1 NEWS understands that Labour has got 7000 donations, including 4000 new donors, since lockdown. The average donation was about $37.


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