Hundreds turn out to protest Auckland Council plans to extend Queen's Wharf

March 10, 2019

It's supposed to allow large cruise ships to berth, but protestors say it leaves little space for recreation.

Hundreds of people converged on Auckland's waterfront today to protest council plans to extend Queen's Wharf.

It's supposed to allow large cruise ships to berth, but protestors say it leaves little space for recreation.

The Auckland Council wants to build a 90 metre concrete extension at the wharf.

It would cost rate payers $10 million and allow cruise ships longer than 330 metres to dock safely in the harbour.

But boaties argue it's taking away their space.

"Over the last 150 years the harbour has been halved in width and we are saying no more exploitation for port activities," says protest organiser, Michael Goldwater.

Sailor, Chris Dixon, says enough is enough and that the harbour is narrow enough already.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff is supporting the development but opponents say he's done a u-turn.

"If the ports of Auckland need more space, they can go somewhere else and they can take the mayor with them," says Chris Dixon.

An independent panel has been hearing public submissions on the plan.

It will come back with its final decision in the next couple of weeks.

But it could be the Enviroment Court that will have the final say.