Fact checker debunks false claim NZ Government 'taking away human right to grow food'

November 18, 2020

An international fact-checker has debunked a false claim being spread online that the New Zealand Government has revoked the "human right to grow food".

The post contains a screenshot of a website's article reading: "New Food Bill in New Zealand Takes Away Human Right to Grow Food".

Wire service  AFP's fact checking division says the claim was shared hundreds of times on Facebook.

It's since been removed from the social media site.

A spokesperson for the Ministry for Primary Industries quickly shot down the allegation, telling AFP the claims were "entirely false".

"There is no legislation supporting these claims," the spokesperson says.

AFP says the original article was published in 2011, in response to the Food Bill 160-2 in 2010.

The bill was intended to replace the Food Act (1981), Food Hygiene Regulations (1974) and the Food Safety Regulations (2002).

Rather than revoking the "human right to grow food", as the article falsely claimed, it was intended to provide regulations for people selling food to make sure it was safe and suitable for sale.

The bill passed in 2014 after several tweaks following concerns around the language.


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