
Education Minister says unvaccinated kids should be allowed at school, should not be punished for the 'bad decisions' of their parents

March 14, 2019

Education Minister Chris Hipkins does not think unvaccinated children should be banned from school.

Education Minister, Chris Hipkins says he agrees children should be vaccinated but those who aren’t should not be punished for their parents’ “bad decisions.”

As the number of measles cases in Canterbury grows alongside new cases in Auckland, parents of unvaccinated children are being urged to keep them out of school so they don’t spread the disease.

But Mr Hipkins does not agree.

“Look I want parents to immunise their children, that is the sensible, responsible thing to do,” he said today.

Dr O’Sullivan said it shouldn’t take an epidemic to get people to get their shots.

But he said children should not be compromised because of what their parents choose to do.

“They shouldn’t lose the opportunity to have a good shot at education because their parents make bad decisions,” he said.

Earlier today, former New Zealander of the year Dr Lance O'Sullivan said it's time to make it compulsory for all school children to be vaccinated.

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Speaking this morning with TVNZ 1's Breakfast programme, Dr O'Sullivan said it shouldn't take an epidemic to highlight the value of immunisation.

"We should be saying it's compulsory," he said.

With a measles outbreak in Christchurch we spoke with the psychologist.

"If you want to attend a public-funded school, then you will ensure that your children are not going to put other children at risk, and other members of the community ... basically, no jab, no school, really," he said. 


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