Christchurch duo defy disability to keep marathon goal alive

August 1, 2020

The group were set to take part in the New York Marathon in November, but since it's been cancelled due to Covid-19, they took on an even steeper challenge.

A group of blind runners and their guides were ready to take part in the New York Marathon come November, only for Covid-19 to put their dreams on hold.

Instead of twiddling their thumbs though, some of the group have taken matters into their own hands, running 42 kilometres in Christchurch yesterday.

Mike Asmussen was one of those, along with guide Vanessa Gopperth, swapping Central Park for the the Summit Road.

"I'm visually impaired," Mr Asmussen told 1 NEWS.

"I've got 10 per cent in my left eye, but nothing in my right. Enoguh for mobility, but not enough to drive.

"When I'm running with a guide I can go at speed, if I'm by myself I have to slow jog and avoid cyclists and other park users and stuff like that."

His guide continually blown away by what he continues to achieve.

"He is a runner, it's as simple as that," Ms Gopperth said.

"I don't see his disability anymore. We're focused on getting faster and getting stronger."

The pair crossed the line in an impressive five hours and three minutes, but there is still a strong desire to tick New York off.

"New York is still on the bucket list - 2022, oh yes lookout."


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