Auckland couple who got engaged during first lockdown, tie the knot during second

August 22, 2020

Nick and Rachel had planned a romantic wedding with friends.

An Auckland couple who got engaged during the first Covid-19 lockdown, has tied the knot during the second.

Nick and Rachel decided on a short engagement, and had planned a very romantic wedding with family and friends.

Then, the unexpected news that Auckland was shutting down ... again.

Some couples might have postponed. Not these two.

Their relationship timeline reveals they're not so big on waiting.

They met on Tinder in December, moved in together in February, got engaged in April and set a wedding date for August.

When lockdown 2.0 rolled in, not even Covid-19 could stop these lovebirds.

Nick and Rachel tied the knot and then the newly minted Mr and Mrs Bowyer FaceTimed their families.

It's a quarantine story for the ages.

The couple spoke with Seven Sharp.


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