Astonishing footage captures massive slip crash into Rangitata River, Canterbury

December 7, 2019

A huge slip has been caught on camera falling into a Canterbury river, as floodwaters continue to cause chaos in Rangitata.

The astonishing video was sent to 1 NEWS by local resident Ange Protheroe this afternoon.

"We live in the area. We have never seen it like this before," Ms Protheroe said.

"We stopped as we saw part of the slip starting to happen smaller bits then the big cliff gave way with tremendous sounds of cracking like thunder."

The flooding is being called a once in 20-years event.

Ms Protheroe says the footage was taken slightly downstream from the Rangitata Diversion Race in Klondyke.

Timaru District Council have announced a state of emergency and evacuations in the region around the flooded Rangitata River.


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