'I apologise for the hurt I've caused' - Jami-Lee Ross releases new flurry of tweets admitting two affairs

October 19, 2018

Rogue MP Jami-Lee Ross released a flurry of tweets shortly after admitting two affairs and announcing he would not resign from Parliament. 

He released another recording of what he claims was a conversation with National Party leader Simon Bridges. The recording is muffled and difficult to interpret. 

He addressed the Newsroom article where two women have anonymously  told Newsroom  they had affairs with Mr Ross, while two others said they were subjected to emotional abuse and bullying by him.

"I’m not proud of my actions. I have, and will continue to, apologise to my wife for two consensual relationships I had," he says with one MP and a former employee. 

"I don’t agree with the characterisation of the relationships in the story, but they did take place. I apologise for the hurt I've caused."

"I have not submitted a resignation letter to the Speaker. I intended to do that today. I will instead stay on as an MP to continue speaking out about the internal operations of the National Party."

The National Party and Simon Bridges have denied all accusations made my Mr Ross. They have not responded to the latest developments by Mr Ross. 


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