What all of NZ outside Auckland should expect as Covid-19 Alert Level 2 begins again

All of New Zealand outside Auckland will go to Covid-19 Alert Level 2 at noon tomorrow, August 12. 

It comes after New Zealand recorded its first case in 102 of Covid-19 from an unknown source outside managed isolation and quarantine facilities. 

It will last three days, for the same period of time as Auckland goes to Alert Level 3. 

Mass testing will also begin. 

Four cases of Covid-19 were confirmed this evening after New Zealand went 102 days without community transmission.

The source was unknown. Children are involved, one being a pre-schooler that did not attend an educational facility. 

The first case had a fever and cough - "obvious symptoms", Dr Bloomfield said. 

He said there was a four- to five-day period from symptom onset to the test. 

They are from South Auckland and the workplaces are beyond South Auckland. 

Under Alert Level 2, the Government says you will still be able to go to work and school, with physical distancing. People have been advised to wear masks in public if they can.

Other requirements include: 

  • No more than 100 people at gatherings, including weddings, birthdays, funerals and tangihanga.
  • Businesses can open to the public if they are following public health guidance, which include physical distancing and record keeping. 
  • People at higher risk of severe illness from Covid-19 are encouraged to take additional precautions when leaving home. 
  • Practice good hygiene and stay home if sick.
  • On the disappointment New Zealanders may have felt after the news, Ms Ardern said she "absolutely understands and that is a natural feeling".

    "Of all the countries in the world we have gone the longest" without community transmission of Covid-19.

    "We always knew we had to plan. Now that moment has arrived we have to utilise that plan."

    She said her message was to not be dispirited and disheartened.

    Here is how Ms Ardern described Alert Level 2 the first time New Zealand endured it: 

    Businesses can restart and bubbles will no longer be necessary.


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