
'What have we got to lose?' - Trump doubles down on drug to try and fight coronavirus

In a press briefing today, US President Donald Trump again talked at length about a drug he hopes will be used to treat patients battling Covid-19.

Mr Trump has been touting the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine - also used to treat lupus - as a potential "game changer" in the fight against the virus.

The US has a stockpile of 29 million pills which Mr Trump is keen to start using more widely on Covid-19 patients.

"What have we got to lose?" he told members of the press gathered in Washington today.

Mr Trump even suggested doctors, nurses and other health care workers could start taking the medication as a preventative measure to stop them ever contracting Covid-19.

He said he was considering taking it himself as a preventative, while also stating "I'm no doctor".

Thousands of US military personnel have been deployed to the Covid-19 frontline.

When challenged by a reporter over drug trials needing to take place before prescribing hydroxychloroquine to Covid-19 sufferers on a large scale, Mr Trump responded there was no time for that, saying the drug is already FDA approved and has been used safely for many years.

Near the end of the briefing another reporter attempted to ask Dr Anthony Fauci for his opinion on the drug, but Mr Trump stepped in and shut the question down, not allowing Dr Fauci to answer.

Dr Fauci has previously been a lot more cautious over potential use of hydroxychloroquine than Mr Trump.

Hydroxychloroquine trials in New Zealand are taking place on Covid-19 patients and 1 NEWS has approached officials for an update.


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