
British volunteers to be infected with Covid-19 in world's first human coronavirus trial

February 18, 2021

Ninety British volunteers will be deliberately infected with Covid-19 after scientists were given the green light to run the world's first human coronavirus trial.

Trial volunteers will stay at London's Royal Free hospital for two and a half weeks.

The study aims to find the smallest dose needed to trigger a Covid-19 infection, the BBC reports.

Virologist Dr Andrew Catchpole says the risk in the trial is believed to be "incredibly small" due to the trial's participants being young and healthy adults.

One of the participants includes Alastair Fraser-Urquhart, who believes the trial will help shorten the pandemic.

"Anything I can do to shorten the pandemic is certainly going to be worth doing," he said.

Participants will be compensated with 4,500 pounds (NZ$8700).


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