Public support legalising euthanasia, latest 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll shows

July 5, 2020

Those fighting against the legalisation of euthanasia are hoping opposition will grow in the weeks leading up to September's referendum.

Those fighting against euthanasia being legalised are hoping that opposition grows in the weeks leading up to September's referendum, with the latest 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll showing there is strong public support for a law change.

The latest 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll asked: Do you think you will vote for euthanasia to be legalised?

Sixty three per cent said yes, down two on our poll from February.

Twenty four percent said no, they want it to remain illegal, down one, while the rest were unsure or said they wouldn't vote.

A career caring for those in the last stage of life convinced Dr Libby Smales that euthanasia can be a humane option.

"A horrible death casts a very long shadow - for the families involved it's pretty dreadful," the Yes for Compassion spokesperson said.

Dr Sinéad Donnelly has also had a long career in palliative care, and is opposed.

"I won't change my view which is to never abandon a patient and their family in caring for them to strive always to care for them in a holistic caring way," Dr Donnelly of the Care Alliance said.

The proposal has seen passionate protests it would allow people with a terminal illness and less than six months to live to be able to ask a doctor to end their life.

"This legislation went through the most rigorous process of any parliamentary bill in recent memory - it's robust and I'm confident people will endorse it," Act leader David Seymour said.

"Yes" campaigners are hoping support doesn't fade.

"I so hope this gets through - this isn't a new thing this is two to three decades worth of work to get to this place," Dr Smales said.

"No" campaigners are urging the public to study-up on the law they're being asked to vote on.

"Because I have no doubt having done all of that myself that the more you know about it the less you'll be comfortable with it and the more you'll be concerned about risks," Dr Donnelly said.

The poll suggests Pacific people are those most opposed to euthanasia - with almost 50 per cent against.

Between June 20 to 24, 2020, 1007 eligible voters were polled by landline (404) and mobile phone (603). The maximum sampling error is approximately ±3.1%-points at the 95% confidence level.

The data has been weighted to align with Stats NZ population counts for age, gender, region, ethnic identification and mobile or landline access.


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