Is it okay to throw fruit waste out the car window on a Kiwi road trip?

September 13, 2019

Obviously, non-compostable waste is off limits but what about an apple core or orange peel?

Is it okay to throw fruit waste out the car window on a Kiwi road trip?

Obviously, non-compostable waste is off limits but what about an apple core or orange peel?

Seven Sharp decided to find out after a recent study revealed we Kiwis aren't as tidy as we think, especially with the junk that's coming out of the car window.

Almost 20 per cent admitted to throwing chewing gum, 16 per cent cigarette butts and 10 per cent to chucking food packaging and plastics.

According to an AA spokesperson: "The road's not a rubbish bin so why not just keep it in your car?"

The AA says disposing of any type of rubbish out a car window can be dangerous to passersby and other motorists.


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