'Keeping them at home playing makes a huge difference' - Scrapping school age rule a good idea

November 23, 2017

Prof Peter O'Connor is welcoming the move.

Kids will no longer be allowed to start school until at least their fifth birthday, after the new Labour-led Government plans to roll back the previous plan that was introduced by National earlier this year. 

It comes as a welcome change to Head of Education Studies at Auckland University, Professor Peter O'Connor who says it is important for kids to get an opportunity to be kids for as long as they possibly can.  

Cohort entry, which allowed students to start school at the beginning of a term was introduced by National earlier this year, sometimes up to eight weeks before their fifth birthday. 

"All the international evidence tells us that studying later is probably better for educational achievement."

Mr O'Connor said the eight-week difference doesn't make a difference and that is "actually the key." 

"They enjoy unstructured play. Until they are five, six, seven, let them play with other kids and climb trees.' 

"It's likely to be far more useful to kids than sticking them in endless classes and organising their lives for them," he said. 

He said the shift has been embraced by teachers. "Anytime between five and six is a good time to start." 


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