'Just be aware of the fire potential' - tighter fire restrictions in force around country as temperatures soar

December 12, 2017

There are fire restrictions in place across most of the country, with total bans likely.

Tighter fire restrictions have come into force around the country as officials attempt to reduce the risk of major blazes.

Dry and hot conditions have experts warning fires could spread in minutes.

Most regions around the country now have restrictions in place, meaning fires now require a permit.

Officials say total fire bans could be on the way for more areas if dry conditions continue.

Regional fire manager Richard McNamara says people need to be aware of the risk.

"Just wherever you're using hot material, whether it's a barbecue, whether it's an open fire, whether its grinding steel because you're working on your boat trailer, whatever it is just be aware of the fire potential," he says.

"Just be aware - have fun in the sun this summer, I want a long hot summer with my family and friends, we want to go out in the boat we want to go diving we want to do all the things we normally do, but we've also got to be aware of the fire risks that are out there."

You can check the restrictions in your area at http://www.checkitsalright.nz/


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