Guns in New Zealand – Stuart Nash on what could change

December 26, 2017

A "decent chunk" of the country have a fire arms licence, said the Minister for Police.

Minister for Police Stuart Nash was very vocal about fire arms during his time in Opposition. Now in government, 1 NEWS’ Andrea Vance sits down with the MP on how he plans to develop New Zealand's gun laws. 

He said inconsistency in the police force with how licenses are given out would be looked at. 

The Minister for Policing outlines what he thinks should change with guns in New Zealand.

"There was a guy in Northland who said 'all you need to do is put a chain around your hot water cylinder and make sure your gun is on that and it's fine'," Mr Nash told Ms Vance. 

1 NEWS' Andrea Vance sits down with an in-depth interview with the new Minister of Police.

However in another part of the country, a license would only be given if there was a c-category safe bolted to your wall.

"That's just inconsistent."


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