Government announces new, more lenient pet policy for state houses

January 6, 2018

Currently tenants can only have dogs under special circumstances.

The Government has announced it has developed a more lenient pet-policy for state houses.

Currently, tenants can only have dogs under special circumstances.

Now, the Government said it is looking at a new, more compassionate policy. 

People like Andrew Houghton, who is wheelchair bound and lives in state housing with his dog Jake, are already allowed to have pets under the current policy.

Jake the Labrador helps his owner with various tasks around the house.

Mr Houghton said his pet is also his "best mate".

"Just everything you want in a dog really, companionship is the best thing."

Mr Houghton lives in a Housing New Zealand house and under the current policy, tenants can only have dogs under special circumstances, such as a guide or help dogs like Jake.

But now, others living in state homes will also be able to have their best mate with them. 


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