
Friends say their NZ-made menstrual cup will revolutionse women's health

June 20, 2018

The Hello Cup is made of medical grade TPE and its Hawke's Bay developers reckon it will create a revolution in women's health.

Two women in Hawke's Bay have created a menstrual cup they say represents a revolution in women's health.

Seven Sharp reports the Hello Cup is made of medical grade thermoplastic elastomer, or TPE.

Robyn McLean and best friend Mary Bond, a registered nurse, say they wanted a cup that's fully recyclable at the end of its lifespan and many cups on the market are made of silicon.

They were spurred into action by some alarming statistics showing every woman uses 150 to 200 kilos in sanitary waste in a lifetime.

The developers say their product will revolutionise women's health because it not only helps the environment but saves money.

For Carolyn Robinson's full report, watch the video above.


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