
Five flights to arrive in New Zealand from China amid concerns over coronavirus outbreak

January 27, 2020

Two flights landed in Auckland this morning with three more bound for Auckland and Christchurch later today.

Five international flights will be landing in New Zealand from China today amid concerns for the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.

Four of the flights will land in Auckland, while one flight is bound for Christchurch.

So far two have landed in Auckland, one from Guangzhou and one from Shanghai. The remaining three - from Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing - are expected to land later today.

Public health staff will be actively looking for symptoms of the virus as they scan passengers upon their arrival.

The virus has killed at least 56 in China and reached Australian shores.

Nurses will be on hand to take the temperature of any patients. Anyone with temperatures above average will be given a further assessment.

One passenger who arrived in Auckland from Shanghai told 1 NEWS, "to be honest, nothing really happened.

"They just told the guys on the flights to declare by themselves if they've got a temperature or coughing, and they just hand out these sheets, but I don't think that's really effective because it talks about just taking a lot of Panadols ... so I don't think the health checks are too serious."

Passengers arriving on the first flight from China to New Zealand will be subject to health checks over the coronavirus outbreak.

There are no direct flights from New Zealand to Wuhan, which remains under lockdown.

The situation with the coronavirus remains unchanged but another plane from china is just about to land in Auckland with authorities accepting that case in NZ is highly likely.

Health Minister David Clark said New Zealand was well-prepared for similar situations, and the Government was active but not alarmed.


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