Explainer: Race to develop Covid-19 vaccine accelerated by global collaboration.

April 4, 2020

One of New Zealand’s leading vaccinologists says global collaboration is the key to its success.

More than 50 organisations around the world are racing to develop Covid-19 vaccines with some taking a traditional approach and others experimenting with cutting-edge science.

One of New Zealand’s leading vaccinologists says not all developments will get across the line but a number are likely to succeed.

In Melbourne, a highly secure lab is about to start animal trials and in China and the US, volunteers are now part of the development of a Covid-19 vaccine.

It’s a highly complex process that New Zealand’s own vaccinologists are closesly monitoring, impressed by global collaboration sparked by China’s release of Covid-19’s genetic code.

“Labs that were working on one thing said 'right we're stopping, we're going to work on this now and diverted their attention' - that was quite phenomenal to see,” says vaccinologist, Helen Petousis-Harris.

New vaccine technology uses part of Covid-19’s genetic code, which prompts the body into producing a protein that replicates the outer spike of Covid-19.

This newly-produced protein triggers antibody production to fight the virus.

A different type of vaccine introduces a different virus, carrying the genetic instructions for the Covid-19 outer spike.

It tricks the body into thinking it’s coronavirus, triggering antibodies in the process.

But a fully tested vaccine is not expected for at least 12 months, with a global roll-out taking more time.


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