Enduring a plague of rats, cockroaches, or flies? Tips to fight off pests this summer

February 28, 2020

Summer is the height of breeding season for most common pests in New Zealand, and the warm, dry conditions this year have been a boon for some species.

Sandra Jelliman, Managing Director of Go Pest in Auckland, says while the dry conditions may have led to a slightly lower number of fly and flea callouts, crawling insects like ants, cockroaches and rodents have been an issue.

"The hot weather provides ideal breeding conditions for most pests," Ms Jelliman said.

People can help to pest proof their homes by keeping them clean and deterring pests from entry by blocking up weak points.

Many pest issues can be handled at home with DIY products, but some are more difficult and should involve a professional treatment.

"We recommend getting professional treatment for fleas if there is an infestation and German cockroaches as they are two pests notoriously difficult to get under control with DIY products," Ms Jelliman said.

"Also wasp nests to avoid the possibility of being stung and rodents if people don't have the knowledge to use baits safely.

"Another one is white tail spiders if there are medically compromised, elderly or infants in the home."

Paul Corkin, owner of Resolvit in Tauranga, told the Rotorua Weekend this week that his outfit had already fielded a huge number of calls this summer.

"We are getting a lot of calls for problems with wasps, and still getting calls for rodents which is unusual at this time of year, but we are getting calls every day for rodents," Mr Corkin said.

Mr Corkin said cleanliness is a huge part of minimising home pests.


Block Entry Into Your Home
Seal up cracks and holes around the exterior of your home including entry points for utilities and piping. Keeping your doors and windows closed as much as possible will go a long way to help reduce flies, mosquitoes and other pests from entering your home. Installing fly screens will provide you with airflow in the summer without having to be plagued by pests.

Maintain Your Section
Trim bushes and trees especially those that are near the house, rake up dead leaves, keep lawns short and weed gardens. Keep compost in a lidded bin. Doing these things will make your section less desirable to pests.

Get Rid of Standing Water
Remove buckets, old tires and pots of stagnant water and clean gutters regularly, standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and also attracts other pests.

Keep the Inside of Your Home Clean and Clutter Free
Regularly wipe down your kitchen bench tops, cupboards, under the toaster and microwave. Check your pantry for honey and other sweet spillages and keep sugar in an airtight container. Sweep and mop floors, including under the fridge and stove. Remove rubbish often. Keep vacuuming up to date, being sure to get under beds, along skirting and behind dressing tables, book shelves etc. Remove unnecessary clutter.

Treat Your Pets
If you have pets its important to keep flea treatments up to date, doing this can avoid flea infestations. Try not to leave food out for pets, especially wet foods as this is an attractant for many pests. Keep litter boxes clean and regularly pick up dog poo around your section.  


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