Dunedin surfers defy order to stay out of the water

April 6, 2020

Police have already warned people to stay out of the water during the lockdown.

Surfers are continuing to violate level four lockdown rules, even after the government made specific mention of surfing in updated lockdown laws.

On Friday, the Government issued a legal order under the Health Act, with one of the orders being that people are not allowed to undertake water-based recreation and exercise.

People were officially warned to not go "swimming, undertake water-based activities (for example, surfing or boating), hunting, tramping, or other activities of a kind that expose participants to danger or may require search and rescue services".

Despite the new order, surfers were seen today at a beach near Dunedin.

Dunedin Police last week had to warn several surfers to get out of the water at St Clair beach and stay at home.

Some Dunedin surfers had to be reminded that the lockdown isn't a holiday.

Police said in a statement on Wednesday that "we are continuing to ask people not to go swimming or surfing and to not do anything that may require help if you end up getting into trouble, because that might put others at risk."