What Covid-19 rules do you follow when you live on the Auckland-Waikato border?

August 14, 2020

There are some people who effectively have one foot in each camp, living right on the border between Auckland, which is in Alert Level 3 and Waikato which is on Level 2.

Auckland's in lockdown, the rest of the country isn't - so what if you live smack bang in the middle of the city's border with Waikato? That's exactly the dilemma for a select few in Buckland.

Pete Lewis is a Buckland lad through-and-though, but even with his lifetime of local knowledge, he can't be sure which side of the boundary he's on.

"It zigzags all over the show, it's not in straight lines, it diverts off here, there and everywhere sort of thing. It's all over the show, you have to have a map to see exactly where it is," he told Seven Sharp.

It can cause for some head scratching when trying to adhere to the different Covid-19 levels.

Watch the full story above as the good folks of Buckland try to work out which side of the fence, literally, they sit on.


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