Cat Stevens/ Yusuf delivers powerful performance at memorial for terrorist attack victims - 'May peace be upon them'

March 29, 2019

The star travelled to New Zealand to perform for the victims of the March 15 terrorist attack.

Cat Stevens, also known as Yusuf Islam, emotionally addressed the victims of the March 15 Christchurch terrorist attacks, as the city remembered those lost.

Having converted to Islam in 1977, Stevens is among the most well known Muslims in the world, lending his voice to Christchurch in the city's darkest of times.

"Our hearts go out to the families of those whose lives were snatched away in that evil carnage, while they were worshiping in the mosque two weeks ago," he said.

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"Our prayers go to those shining souls, whose lives were snatched away in that moment of madness. May peace be upon them."

Yusuf performed the songs Peace Train and Don't Be Shy to the thousands of Cantabrians gathered for the memorial.


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