Seven Sharp

Acting legend Sam Neill stars in off-beat ad campaigning against plastic bags

February 21, 2018

Eight million tonnes of plastic waste is still ending up in oceans each year, and wildlife are munching on it.

After public pressure forced New World and Countdown to commit to a ban on single-use plastic bags, Kiwi actor Sam Neill has now joined the fight to save the oceans from the plastic menace.

The Jurassic Park and Hunt for the Wilderpeople star has joined forces with Greenpeace to star in a quirky new ad.

The tongue-in-cheek ad sees Neill chomping down on a plastic bag and giving out facts on the negative impact they have on the world's oceans.

"Fun fact, there are country-sized islands made up of single use plastic bags out there in the Pacific," Neill says with a manic grin.

The advert ends with text on screen saying: "Single use plastic bags, if you like them so much you eat them".


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