The 10 personalities in the workplace - which one are you?

October 27, 2017

Breakfast's Daniel Faitaua teases Hilary Barry by calling her the 'loud one' in the office following the release of a new study.

Personalities in the work place have been defined into ten different categories by a business psychologist. 

A study by Premier Inn and Dr Lynda Shaw, has resulted in the creation of personality types at work and found which ones are most and least popular with co-workers.

TVNZ1's Breakfast host Daniel Faitaua called Hilary Barry 'loud one' in the office following the release of the new study.

Which personality type are you? 

The Graftor - the safe pair of hands that gets results

The Chatterbox - constantly talking and gossiping. They know everything there is to know.

The Workaholic- first in, last to leave type who lets work dominate their life.

The Comedian - the centre of attention at work functions.

The Big Talker - always bragging about any success they have had.

The Delegator - the one who passes work off onto others that comes their way.

The Juggler - takes on multiple tasks and makes it look easy.

The Wall Flower- the shy quiet ones that keep their heads down.

The Micromanger - needs to be involved in every detail of every person.

The Charmer - the smooth talker able to talk their way out of any situation.